Tuesday 8 November 2016


Everyone's been there. You're lacking any kind of motivation or inspiration to stick to something you REALLY want to achieve. Often, someone will tell you that if you lack motivation to do something you simply don't want it badly enough. True, if you want it badly you have to be prepared to put the work in to get there, however everyone needs reminders along the way that all the slogging will be worth it in the end. For me, the aim is university.
I am currently studying my A levels and am notorious for leaving any kind of revision till the last minute, which really isn't an option for me any more given my aspirational grades. So, whatever you're working towards, here are some of my fave quotes i've found over my time trekking through pinterest (incidentally probably when I should have been revising!) that have helped me remember that all the boring study hours will only ever help me get closer to my dream. I hope they can also be of use to you.


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